Keep It Local

Or: (part of) what “reasoning about your code” really means; being my EmberConf 2021 talk.

Assumed audience: Anyone interested in the theory and craft of software development.

Epistemic status: There are few things in software development I’m extremely confident about. This is one of them.

I’m delighted to present my EmberConf 2021 talk! Of any talk I have ever given, I am happiest with this one.

You may also find the slides interesting. I have chosen not to embed them directly alongside the text for this talk, because the overlap between the content of the slides and the things I say is very high. It’s also worth noting that the content below is what I scripted for the talk, not a transcript; the YouTube video itself has an accurate transcript!

Keep It Local


Today, I’m going to start by telling you a story in three parts.

Part one:

When I started my first job in software, fresh out of college with a physics degree and some really terrible Fortran on my résumé, my new boss handed me two books to work through while I waited on government paperwork. One was Kernighan and Ritchie’s The C Programming Language: a classic, and if you get a chance to read it, I commend it to you — but it’s not that interesting for our purposes today. The other was Steve McConnell’s Code Complete 2.

There were a lot of good ideas in Code Complete 2, but the only one I really remember is: if you have some function, like this doSomething function which uses a loop to compute the sum of a range of numbers — 

function doSomething(anArg) {
  let i, total = 0, max, min;
  max = getMax(anArg);
  min = max < 100 ? 0 : 100;

  for (i = min; i < max; i++) {
    total += i;

 — then instead of declaring all of your variables at the top of a function, as I have here with i and total and max and min, declare them and initialize them right where you are actually going to do something with them, whatever that something” is. Here, for example, we declare and initialize each of max and min right where we get their values, and we move total down to the loop which calculates it and initialize the counter in the loop.

function doSomething(anArg) {
  let max = getMax(anArg);
  let min = max < 100 ? 0 : 100;

  let total = 0;
  for (let i = min; i < max; i++) {
    total += i;

If you embrace this idea, it has all sorts of knock-on” effects in your code structure, because it forces you to think about where something actually should start being used, what its scope’ should be. McConnell points out that if you follow this rule, it’s much easier to make changes later. For example, it’s straightforward to extract the loop into its own function to build total:

function doSomething(anArg) {
  let max = getMax(anArg);
  let min = max < 100 ? 0 : 100;
  let total = getTotal(min, max);

function getTotal(min, max) {
  let total = 0;
  for (let i = min; i < max; i++) {
    total += i;
  return total;

It’s much harder to see how to do that in the original example. And this is a simple function! For more complicated functions, the problem is much worse.

Part two of my story:

In the summer of 2015, I met my favorite programming language: Rust. As someone who had spent a huge chunk of my career working with Fortran, C, and C++, I loved its performance. But I also really liked its type system, which gave me niceties from functional programming languages like Haskell (and we’ll come back to that). But one of my very favorite things about it was (and is) its ownership model.

Rust’s ownership system — in type system terms, its use of affine types” — is its secret sauce. It gives you memory safety like you would get in a language like JavaScript or C♯ and performance like C or C++.

This ownership model consists of a couple simple rules enforced by the compiler:

  1. A piece of data always has one owner.
  2. There is no shared mutable data in the system. It can be shared, or it can be mutable, but not both.
    • read-only data can be lent out” (what Rust calls borrowed”) to any number of functions and types which can read it
    • write-able data can only have one reference to it in the system: no reads, and only one writer.

Everything else in the language is a consequence of those rules. And while they’re conceptually simple, it’s not always easy to get your data into a shape where they cleanly follow those rules! But when you do, you end up with the amazing performance you want… even though you’re writing a language that mostly looks and feels like any other high-level modern language.

The key to the whole thing is that it shrinks the scope where changes can happen. There is no shared mutable data” in the system, so you always know exactly where a piece of data might be changing.

Part three of my story:

The same year I started learning Rust, I encountered another powerful idea: pure functional programming.

A pure function is a function which:

  • only has access to its arguments — which means it:

    • cannot access global state
    • does not have access to global functions like console.log

    It can receive all sorts of things as arguments, including other functions, and it can return all sorts of things, including other functions — but its arguments are the only things it can work with.

  • cannot mutate values in the system, period

    • not even its own arguments: it can only hand back a copy with some transformation applied
    • not global state… because it doesn’t have access to it!

Purity” here is like in chemistry, where a pure solution has nothing extra added in besides the ingredients you specified.

This has a number of benefits:

  • Pure functions are stateless, and they never directly affect the rest of the system. In short: it’s just a straight line from input to output: given the same arguments, pure functions give you the same results — every time. So when you’re looking at a given function invocation, if it’s a pure function, you don’t have to think about anything anywhere else in the system to figure out what that function will do. You don’t even have to look at local state, because it doesn’t have any!

  • You don’t think about mutation anymore at all, because there is none!

  • Last but not least, you get a property called referential transparency’, which just means that you could just replace calling the function with the value the function returns, and the program would behave exactly the same way. Think of it like math: anywhere you have 3 + 4” in any equation, you can replace it with 7” and it’s the same thing.

The result is that when you work on any given function, you can think about just that function! And when you’re using a language like Haskell or Elm or Idris which enforces functional purity everywhere, that applies to every single function in your program. Now, you might also wonder But how do you do anything with that?” and that’s a good question, but suffice it to say there are answers, which they involve isolating those effects on the rest of the world. For today, though, I want to focus on a claim functional programming enthusiasts often make: that purity lets you reason about your code” because it gives you these nice properties (and more). I think they’re right! But what is reasoning about your code?”

Local Reasoning

Reasoning about your code” is understanding what it will do and how it will do it. And there are many things we want to understand about the code we write.

Some of them are the things we typically think about as computer science” reasoning:

  • What’s the algorithmic complexity — and therefore how will it handle large amounts of data?
  • How much memory does it use — and so likewise, how will it scale to large amounts of data?

But there are others, too. For example, what code do I have to change — 

  • if there is a bug in it?
  • if I need to improve its performance — including by tweaks around CS reasoning?
  • to make this do something new — to add a feature?
  • to make it do something different — to change its feature?

And most importantly:

  • Does this code work? Does it solve the problem it’s supposed to solve?

There are many tools and techniques we can use to think about these problems. But my thesis today is that if we want to understand our code along any axis, if we want to be able to answer any of those kinds of questions about our code, it helps enormously if we can reason locally. Or, as my wife put it when I described this idea to her: they let you shrink the radius of things you have to think about.

As different as those three ideas were, this is the common thread that ties them together:

  • From McConnell and Code Complete 2: moving variable declarations to where they’re used lets us understand the loop by itself, and even extract it: comprehensibility and refactoring!

  • From Rust: control over mutability lets us know where changes can happen to any given piece of data: comprehension, ability to refactor, and prevention of whole classes of bugs.

  • From pure functional programming: purity and referential transparency let us ignore all the other functions in the system when we’re understanding this one: again, understanding this function, not introducing bugs in that function by changing this one, being able to extract a function or substitute its result without changing the program.

All of these improve our ability to understand our code — and therefore to work with our code — by making it easier to reason locally, to shrink the radius of what we have to think about.

Case Studies

Now, if you’re feeling skeptical of my thesis, you might be thinking that I picked the handful of examples that happen to fit my narrative. I’m not! Improving local reasoning may be the closest thing we have to a holy grail” in improving software quality. We’ve been chasing it for decades; it’s the foundation of several whole programming paradigms.

Structured Programming

Let’s start with Edgar Dijkstra’s 1968 paper Go To Statement Considered Harmful”. He opens by arguing that

…our intellectual powers are rather geared to master static relations and… our powers to visualize processes evolving in time are relatively poorly developed. For that reason we should do (as wise programmers aware of our limitations) our utmost to shorten the conceptual gap between the static program and the dynamic process, to make the correspondence between the program (spread out in text space) and the process (spread out in time) as trivial as possible.

Notice here — this is exactly the same idea as local reasoning! We’re trying to…

shorten the conceptual gap between the static program and the dynamic process, between the program… in text space… and the process… in time…

He traces this out in terms of the coordinates we use to describe the progress of the program, and specifically of the process the program represents. Those coordinates are textual markers (like line numbers!) or dynamic indexes in contexts like loops.

But, Dijkstra points out, no matter what other systems we have in place to help us reason about our program — variable names, control structures like if blocks and while loops, etc. — if we use GOTO statements throughout our program, those other tools break down.

What is the value of a while loop’s control index? Well, if you include GOTO in your toolbox, it depends on everything else that has happened in the flow of the program that led to that point — possibly including things after that loop in the text of the program! But if you don’t have GOTO statements, you can know that it represents exactly what it looks like when you read it. In other words, GOTO is a problem precisely because it completely defeats the other tools we have to make it possible to reason locally.

This isn’t a merely theoretical or purely historical concern for me — something from back in the 1960s. I mentioned earlier that I spent the years before I discovered Rust writing a mix of programming languages including Fortran and C. Several of those Fortran and C codebases made liberal use of GOTO, and, well, spoilers: Dijkstra was right: it was incredibly difficult to find a meaningful set of coordinates in which to describe the process progress.”

The first task I did on those programs was slowly and laboriously reworking every one of those GOTO statements into actual functions and loops and so on. Doing that was extremely difficult and extremely error-prone. Sometimes I had to understand literally the whole program to be able to make any changes at all! But once I had done that hard work and gotten rid of GOTO, I could make further changes and improvements much more easily — because I knew much better what could cause changes right here, and what could not.

So replacing GOTO statements with structured programming enables reasoning about your code” by shrinking the radius of thought for control flow. Understanding how a conditional behaves no longer requires global reasoning, thinking about the entire flow of the program”. Instead, you can reason locally: what an if block does can be understood simply by reading that one block.

This is also the foundation of another rule most of us learn early: to avoid shared global variables. Global mutable variables have the same kind of problem as GOTO statements: to understand how a given piece of data can change over the life of a program, you have to read the whole program. Global variables can seem easier than explicitly passing around data when you’re first authoring a program… but explicitly passing around data means you can actually know where the data can be changed.

Even when you still have shared mutable state, reducing the scope of the sharing from anywhere at any time to in these places at these times shrinks the radius of what you have to think about.

Object-Oriented Programming

This is also one reason Object Oriented Programming emphasizes the idea of encapsulation. In a purely procedural program, where you just have a piece of data that is handed around and changed willy-nilly, you have to think about every piece of the system which interacts with it — every function you pass it to. If, on the other hand, data is wrapped up in an object which does not expose its internal state, and only exposes a handful of specific ways for outside callers to interact with its state, then even passing it to a function doesn’t allow arbitrary transformations of the data anymore. Only what your public methods allow. Now you can reason about methods! The thinking radius shrinks again.

And in fact, this goes for many of the principles we associate with good object-oriented design. Take the SOLID principles, for example, which are all about how we can design interfaces to improve maintainability:

  • First, the Single Responsibility Principle: This one is perhaps the easiest to connect to the idea of local reasoning. When each object has just one responsibility, then when you’re looking at it you don’t have to think about other responsibilities in the system — and when you’re looking at other objects, you don’t have to concern yourselves with the details of how you manage that responsibility.

  • The Open-Closed Principle says that objects should be open for extension but closed for modification.” In other words, you should be able to add new functionality to a given type, but you shouldn’t be able to reach in and muck with its guts. When you’re working on the internals of a class built this way, you don’t have to care about what extensions are doing — and vice versa: extensions not only shouldn’t but at best cannot muck with and therefore cannot care about internals.

  • The Liskov Substitution Principle says you ought to be able to use a subtype of a given type anywhere you can use the type itself. So if a function accepts an Animal, you should be able to pass a Cat to the function. Upholding this principle means we don’t have to care about implementation details of subtypes!

  • The Interface Segregation Principle says you should have lots of small interfaces specific to things which use them, instead of one giant blob interface which handles every possible interaction. If I only need one method, why should I have to care about 235 other methods other clients might need? Interface segregation means I don’t have to care about them!

  • Finally, the Dependency Inversion Principle says that you should not depend on a specific class to handle a responsibility; instead, you should depend on an interface — whether that’s implicit as in JavaScript or Ruby, or explicit as in TypeScript or C♯. This forces you to rely on the intended contract, rather than on implementation details — and it even lets you swap out implementations of the interface, like we often do in tests!

Other Disciplines

So we’ve seen that structured programming, object-oriented programming, pure functional programming, even an ownership system like in Rust: all improve local reasoning. So do cross-paradigm approaches like the actor model — especially as you find it in Erlang and Elixir. In the actor model, we build systems out of many small actors” which can pass messages to each other, and perhaps most importantly which can crash and recover independently from each other. That’s key because it forces you to design each piece of your system to be tolerant of faults elsewhere in the system. But another way of thinking about fault tolerance is: not having to worry about faults elsewhere in the system, because this actor isn’t coupled to that one.

Another interesting tool for local reasoning is types. Let’s look at a small example from TypeScript.

We’ll start by defining a User class, which has a handful of properties: the user’s name, age, email, state of residence, etc.:

class User {
    name: string,
    age: number,
    email: string,
    state: State,
  ) {}

Now let’s say we want to describe the user, just in terms of their name and age. We could write a describe function which accepts a User and returns a string built with the user’s name and age:

function describe(user: User): string {
  return `${} is ${user.age} years old`;

This works! But it has a downside: when I call describe(someUser), I have to assume that describe might care about emails and states! What’s more, if describe were a bigger or more complicated function, it could end up accidentally depending on details of the User class. In both cases, the fact that we have a whole User means we have to keep more in our heads.

Now, TypeScript is a structurally-typed language, which means it only cares about the shapes of the objects you hand it. With describe for example, we can work with any object which has a name: string field and an age: number field:

function describe(person: { name: string; age: number }): string {
  return `${} is ${person.age} years old`;

We can still pass a User to this, because it has those fields — but we’re no longer asking for a whole User, with the email and state fields we don’t use need! And by doing this, we’ve improved our ability to reason locally:

  • describe doesn’t know anything about Users, just a name and an age
  • callers can pass a User or anything else which meets the contract without worrying about whether other details of User will be used

Once again, we’ve decreased coupling; we’ve shunk the radius of thought.


For our last case study, let’s look at the Glimmer autotracking system. With autotracking, we use the @tracked decorator (or, occasionally, the primitives it’s built on) to wire up pieces of data in our system to the reactivity layer: primarily the template layer, but also other reactive functions in our system. Other than some tools for backwards compatibility with classic Ember, autotracking is the only way to introduce reactivity into the system.

This is a significant difference from Ember classic as well as other observer-based systems. For today, I want to emphasize two differences in particular:

  1. First, in Ember classic, the combination of dependent key observation and two-way binding meant anyone could make any piece of data in the system reactive. This made it impossible to know where a given piece of data was updated without reading all of the code which referred to the object at all. It also meant that reactivity was not a function of the data, but a function of who used the data, and how. I would say that this is the definition of defeating local reasoning about reactivity, except that the second piece was even worse!

  2. That second problem was observers. An observer, like a computed property, could be triggered by changes to any data in the system… but then it could also go trigger further updates to state, or perform arbitrary tasks, or do… anything. With Ember’s classic observers system, it was impossible to know what all you were kicking off with a single this.set. Infamously, you could pretty easily get yourself into infinite loops where one set could trigger an observer which triggered another set and so on forever. What’s more, this wasn’t limited to explicit use of observers: the classic lifecycle hooks like didReceiveAttrs had exactly the same kinds of issues. And again: the only way to know was to read through every single place that the data was used in any way (direct or indirect). Good luck!

When combined with stricter one-way data flow rules for Glimmer components, autotracking dodges both of these:

  1. First, the owner of data is in control of reactivity. If a given piece of data is not @tracked, it isn’t reactive — period. This means we don’t have the problem of arbitrary consumers being able to make something reactive just by marking it with a dependent key. This makes it much clearer where and how reactive data can change — usually in just one place!

  2. Second, by removing observers and observer-like lifecycle hooks like didReceiveAttrs, and enforcing one-way data flow, we actually end up with many of the benefits of pure functional programming. We can no longer easily trigger arbitrary side effects in response to changes in reactive state. Nearly everything downstream” of tracked data is simply a pure function of that data — whether that’s in native getters in JavaScript or in helper or component invocations in templates. For the cases where we need to do imperative or event-based work, like DOM APIs, we push that into modifiers. This means we no longer have to worry about arbitrary cascades of state changes getting triggered by a single update in our system.

To return to two of my opening examples:

  • Where Rust improves your ability to reason locally about mutability, autotracking improves your ability to reason locally about reactivity.
  • Pure functional programming makes you isolate mutation in your system and gives you referential transparency in return; autotracking makes you isolate reactivity and then similarly gives you referential transparency elsewhere in return.

Summary & Conclusion

So to sum up: one of the key aspects of reasoning about your code” is the ability to reason locally. If I can understand everything about how a given piece of code behaves without reference to some other part of the program over there, then I can — 

  • fix bugs in this part of the system
  • improve the performance of this part of the system
  • refactor the internals of this part of the system

 — and be confident: first, that I am not breaking things elsewhere; and second, that things elsewhere aren’t going to break this in ways that are invisible here.

And the history of software development, as we’ve seen today in brief, is in no small part a history of gathering techniques and creating tools which allow us to reason locally — better; and thereby to reason about our systems — better. That goes from Go To Statement Considered Harmful” to affine type systems, and from the actor model in Erlang and Akka to Ember’s autotracking.

There’s no silver bullet here (or anywhere else); this is not the only good idea in software; and this is not the only way to improve our ability to reason about our software”. But it is a profoundly useful idea, as those many connections show. So hopefully, sometime soon, we’ll find yet another way to shrink the radius of thought — to make our software more robust and more flexible, easier to write and easier to maintain.

Keep it local!

Thank you!

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