A new one-stop shop for all things musical from me.

Assumed audience: People interested in my music.

The main thing: This week, I launched a new music-focused website, and a new music-focused newsletter at What that means for you:

  • I will continue to post updates here when I publish new music, but mostly by way of linking to content hosted on the new music site. The kind of writing I have done about Fanfare for a New Era of American Spaceflight and The Desert will live there from now on.

  • The newsletter will go out monthly, with a short essay on the craft of composing, links to other interesting composers and their work, and updates on the things I am working on. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. (If you like my music, please do subscribe, and tell your friends too!)

That is it, as far as the news” here goes. If you are interested some more meta details, though, read on.

I decided to split out music into its own dedicated site as the first step in a larger series of changes to my online presence, which you will see play out over the course of 2024.

Since I started maintaining a website all the way back in college, it has largely a home for my writing. That was the main thing I was doing online, so that made sense. The one exception was when I briefly built a small portfolio-type site in 2010 – 2011, with writing going on at the (now defunct) I tried splitting apart my writing itself on the revision of my site which followed, but found that did not work particularly well: there was far too much overlap. Since then, I have just made everything fit into one site, primarily oriented around my writing.

However, I come into 2024 with two big changes afoot:

  1. I have published a couple recordings of my music, and aim to do a good deal more of that in the years ahead. I have at least one more piece I hope to publish this year, as well as a large orchestral work I have been chipping away at since 2021. That seems to me to warrant its own home, separate from my writing.

  2. I am stepping into technical consulting on software for the foreseeable future, and that, too, will need its own home.

Either of those alone could maybe, sort of be squished into the one-site-for-everything approach I have taken historically. Both together… it seems like a bad fit. Thus, as I iterate toward v6 of this site (currently under construction2), I am steadily breaking off chunks into their own dedicated domains. Coming relatively soon: dedicated sub-sites for my consulting and for my library” — that is, public reading list. I may also launch a dedicated photography site (but no promises on that one!).

The new music website is also the first taste of some broader design directions which are coming as part of that. There is still a lot of polish to do even on that tiny website, but it is a start! I am excited to show you the rest of it over the course of 2024.


  1. I really ought to get a redirect for that set up! ↩︎

  2. If you happen to read this sufficiently far in the future from when I am writing it, you will not see the under construction” page, so here is what it looks like today. ↩︎