Buy Me a Book

Moving from Patreon to BuyMeACoffee for folks to support my writing if so inclined.

The very short version: as of this evening, I have switched from Patreon to BuyMeACoffee — and of course, I titled my support model Buy Me a Book.” If you’d like to support my work, please hop on over there. (And if not, I am of course simply grateful you are reading!)

A bit of background and elaboration — 

As has no doubt long since been obvious, Patreon isn’t actually quite the right fit for the way I do things — I very intentionally do not publish here on a schedule! — but the number of good games in town for support, including recurring support, were much lower when I set that up a few years ago than it is today.

Accordingly, inspired by Alan Jacobs, I’m moving my official support my work” flow over to BuyMeACoffee, which is much more the right shape for this kind of support. It does not require ongoing commitments, though it does support memberships if I choose to reintroduce that at a point when it makes sense. It also has the big upside of letting me use Stripe, which means that if I need to move in the future, I can just do it transparently without affecting existing financial supporters like this move did!

I will not be posting regularly on BuyMeACoffee: only for particularly important updates about the work I’m doing — for example, when I actually get around to publishing essays, put up videos or conference talks or the like.