Making Illegal States Unrepresentable—In TypeScript

Showing how Scott Wlaschin’s approach in F translates to a language with a very different type system.

Assumed audience: Software engineers who are already persuaded of the value of type systems, and are interested in using them more effectively. (I’m not trying to persuade people that type systems are valuable here!)

Epistemic status: I’ve done this a lot over the last few years; I can’t imagine working without it anymore.

One of the most important posts I’ve encountered in the last half decade was Scott Wlaschin’s Designing with types: Making illegal states unrepresentable. The big idea is to use types — in the original blog post, in F — to make it so you never have to worry about a whole class of bugs in your business logic.

In the rest of this post, I’m just going to take Wlaschin’s original idea and translate it fairly directly to TypeScript. Accordingly, it’s worth understanding that there is basically nothing original in the rest of the post. I’ve borrowed the headings directly from Wlaschin’s post, and quoted him directly in a number of cases; this is all entirely his Wlaschin!

Making Illegal States Unrepresentable

Wlaschin starts by introducing the idea of a Contact type, which represents something like an entry in an address book app. Initially we might model it like this:

class Contact {
  name: Name;
  emailContactInfo: EmailContactInfo;
  postalContactInfo: PostContactInfo;

    name: Name,
    emailContactInfo: EmailContactInfo,
    postalContactInfo: PostalContactInfo
  ) { = name;
    this.emailContactInfo = emailContactInfo;
    this.postalContactInfo = postalContactInfo;

For scenarios like this where the constructor does nothing but set up some properties with values passed in, TypeScript provides a constructor-only shorthand which looks like this:

class Contact {
    public name: Name,
    public emailContactInfo: EmailContactInfo,
    public postalContactInfo: PostalContactInfo
  ) {}

I will be using this style throughout the rest of the post, because these classes are just a lightweight way of setting up a kind of record” to pass around some data. For the same reason, I will also mark all of these types as readonly: the intent is don’t change these in any given instance.”

class Contact {
    public readonly name: Name,
    public readonly emailContactInfo: EmailContactInfo,
    public readonly postalContactInfo: PostalContactInfo
  ) {}


First, a little setup. The types Name, EmailContactInfo, and PostContactInfo are simple types that wrap around a string, so you can’t accidentally mix them up and use them where the other one belongs. The simplest way to write these is something like this:

class Name {
  constructor(private readonly value: string) {}

class EmailContactInfo {
  constructor(private readonly value: string) {}

class PostalContactInfo {
  constructor(private readonly value: string) {}

Once you have these, things that take a string will not accept Name or EmailContactInfo or PostalContactInfo, and things that take a Name will not accept an EmailContactInfo, and so on. This works specifically because we used a private type; if it were public the types would be compatible because they have the same structure. If we didn’t do this, and just used strings, we could easily intermix these on accident. (For an alternative approach, see Appendix: Tagged Unions” in TypeScript below. You can read Wlaschin’s writeup of how to do this in F here.)

Wlaschin’s example goes one step further with EmailContactInfo and makes it so that you can’t actually create an invalid email — to handle things like hello@potato, which is not a valid email address. We can do that in TypeScript with a private constructor and some static helper methods:

class EmailContactInfo {
  private constructor(private readonly value: string) {}

  static create(value: string): EmailContactInfo | undefined {
    return isValid(value)
      ? new EmailContactInfo(value)
      : undefined;

  static isValid(value: string): boolean {
    return /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/.test(value);

That’s not an especially robust validation of emails, but it’s sufficient for the rest of this example.

Making illegal states unrepresentable

Now we’re ready to actually dig into the meat of the example. Wlaschin suggests a fairly realistic example (I’ve seen constraints just like this pretty often):

Now let’s say that we have the following simple business rule: A contact must have an email or a postal address”. Does our type conform to this rule?

The answer is no. The business rule implies that a contact might have an email address but no postal address, or vice versa. But as it stands, our type requires that a contact must always have both pieces of information.

The answer seems obvious – make the addresses optional…

In TypeScript, making the two fields optional would look like this (note the ? after the two optional fields):

type Contact = {
  name: Name;
  emailContactInfo?: EmailContactInfo;
  postalContactInfo?: PostalContactInfo;

But, as Wlaschin notes, this would let us have a Contact which doesn’t have either kind of contact info. This violates the business rule, where a contact must have one or both. It’s very tempting to reach for optional types in TypeScript, both because the syntax is super convenient, especially now that optional chaining and nullish coalescing are available, and because so many things in JavaScript APIs are optional. However, we can do better!

Wlaschin points out:

If we think about the business rule carefully, we realize that there are three possibilities:

  • A contact only has an email address
  • A contact only has a postal address
  • A contact has both a email address and a postal address>

Like F — though with very different syntax and details — TypeScript supports modeling this clearly and accurately, using union types. Wlaschin’s original writeup uses a tuple to represent the variant where the contact has both email address and postal address. TypeScript also has tuples, though they’re a bit less common in TypeScript than in F, because TypeScript has to overload the meaning of array types, whereas they are first-class types in F.

type ContactInfo =
  | EmailContactInfo
  | PostalContactInfo
  | [EmailContactInfo, PostalContactInfo]

We could also use a lightweight object type here, but as we’ll see in a moment, the tuple is actually easier to work with for this specific case.

Then the original Contact type becomes:

class Contact {
    public readonly name: Name,
    public readonly contactInfo: ContactInfo
  ) {}

At this point, we have actually written a type that achieves the goal of making illegal states unrepresentable. What does it look like to use it in practice, though?

Constructing a ContactInfo

We’ll start by showing how we construct a Contact when we have a name and an email. Remembering that we have the possibility of EmailContactInfo.create returning undefined, here’s how we’d handle that:

class Contact {
  // the existing definition

  static fromEmail(
    name: string,
    email: string
  ): Contact | undefined {
    let maybeEmail = EmailContactInfo.create(email);
    if (maybeEmail) {
      let contactName = new Name(name);
      return new Contact(contactName, maybeEmail);
    } else {
      return undefined;

  static fromPostalAddress(
    name: string,
    address: string
  ): Contact {
    let contactName = new Name(name);
    let postalInfo = new PostalContactInfo(address);
    return new Contact(contactName, postalInfo);
  static fromEmailAndPostal(
    name: string,
    email: string,
    address: string
  ): Contact | undefined {
    let maybeEmail = EmailContactInfo.create(email);
    if (maybeEmail) {
      let contactName = new Name(name);
      let postalInfo = new PostalContactInfo(address);
      return new Contact(contactName, [email, postalInfo]);
    } else {
      return undefined;

Now we have a variety of tools we can use to build Contacts. If we already have a valid EmailContactInfo, and/or a PostalContactInfo, we can use the constructor directly:

let fromEmailDirectly = new Contact(name, email);
let fromPostalDirectly = new Contact(name, postal);
let fromBothDirectly = new Contact(name, [email, postal]);

We can also do it using the static helpers, which can be convenient when we haven’t already validated the data elsewhere:

let fromInvalidEmail =
  Contact.fromEmail("Chris", "hello@banana");
let fromValidEmail =
  Contact.fromEmail("Chris", "");
let fromPostal =
  Contact.fromPostal("Chris", "Colorado");
let fromBoth =
  Contact.fromEmailAndPostal("Chris", "", "Colorado");

If we had similar validation for the postal address — for example, because we were making it behave like an actual address! — we would have another layer of validation in the variants that use PostalContactInfo. (That’s exactly what Wlaschin’s design does; I’ve left it aside here to keep things moving!)

Updating a ContactInfo

Having made this change, we’re now in a position to see what it looks like to work with this data when it already exists. Again, the type system helps us out here, to make sure we continue to have valid data. As Wlaschin notes:

Now… we have no choice but to handle all three possible cases:

  • If a contact previously only had an email address, it now has both an email address and a postal address, so return a contact using the EmailAndPost case.
  • If a contact previously only had a postal address, return a contact using the PostOnly case, replacing the existing address.
  • If a contact previously had both an email address and a postal address, return a contact with using the EmailAndPost case, replacing the existing address.

We can add a method to the Contact type which does this correctly.

There are two ways we could make this method work: it could change the item it’s working with, or it could return a new copy of the item instead. In this example, I’m treating classes not as bundles of self-contained mutable state, but as lightweight records, so I’m going to return a fresh copy. Maybe someday JavaScript will actually get native records (and tuples)!

class Contact {
  // everything we’ve seen already

  updatePostalAddress(newAddress: string): Contact {
    let postalInfo = new PostalContactInfo(newAddress);

    let newContactInfo: ContactInfo;
    if (this.contactInfo instanceof EmailContactInfo) {
      // email only -> email and postal
      return new Contact(, [this.contactInfo, postalInfo]);
    } else if (this.contactInfo instanceof PostalContactInfo) {
      // ignore existing address
      return new Contact(, postalInfo);
    } else {
      // ignore existing address
      let [email, _] = this.contactInfo;
      newContactInfo = [email, postalInfo];

Notice here that we don’t have to worry about validating the email again: the fact that it’s present as an EmailContactInfo on our type means it is already valid. This is one of the benefits of using richer types to represent these kinds of things!

We can use this code like this, given an existing Contact:

let oldAddress = "North Carolina";
let contact = Contact.fromPostal("Chris", oldAddress);

let newAddress = "Colorado";
let updatedContact = contact.updatePostalAddress("Colorado");

Why bother to make these complicated types?

Here, I’ll just quote Wlaschin in full, but substituting the TypeScript example for the F he gives:

At this point, you might be saying that we have made things unnecessarily complicated. I would answer with these points:

First, the business logic is complicated. There is no easy way to avoid it. If your code is not this complicated, you are not handling all the cases properly.

Second, if the logic is represented by types, it is automatically self documenting. You can look at the union cases below and immediate see what the business rule is. You do not have to spend any time trying to analyze any other code.

type ContactInfo = 
  | EmailContactInfo
  | PostalContactInfo
  | [EmailContactInfo, PostalContactInfo]

Finally, if the logic is represented by a type, any changes to the business rules will immediately create breaking changes, which is a generally a good thing.


I’ve been using this approach for the last few years, and it’s really, really helpful! For a really helpful introduction to this way of thinking and working with types, I heartily recommend the following materials:

You may notice that all of these are in languages like F, Elm, and OCaml. That’s for good reason: for a long time, that family of languages was the only place that had the type systems to make this doable. Over the last decade, quite a few more have emerged, including Rust, Swift — and TypeScript!

Appendix: Tagged Unions” in TypeScript

In this post, I just reached for bare types and used the instanceof operator. This works well with TypeScript’s type system, and fits fairly naturally with JavaScript, but there’s an alternative we could use that is also worth calling out: building our own tagged unions” in TypeScript.

In F, Elm, Rust, etc., the tagged union types (which are called unions” in F, custom types” in Elm, and enums” in Rust) have a built-in tag, created by the compiler. In TypeScript, there is nothing of the sort — because there is nothing of the sort in JavaScript. However, TypeScript does understand the idea of unions (as we saw above). It also has the ability to treat literals as different types, like this:

type MyName = 'Chris';
let me: MyName = 'John'; // TYPE ERROR

We could even use the literal as a type inline:

let me: 'Chris' = 'John'; // TYPE ERROR

We can turn this plus unions into a tagged union, by using a literal as the tag on a type, and then TypeScript will understand it. Earlier, we used the fact that private fields make TypeScript treat different classes as distinct, despite the structural type system. Here, we could make them public but readonly instead (though hiding the details might be good for other reasons), and use a tag to distinguish them.

Two notes on this example:

  • I’ve changed the wrapped values from being named value to be the name of the thing wrapped, name, email, and address. This will make the example below clearer.
  • The as const syntax here says to treat the type as a literal.
class Name {
  readonly type = 'Name';

  constructor(public readonly name: string) {}

class EmailContactInfo {
  readonly type = 'EmailContactInfo';

  private constructor(public readonly email: Email) {}

  static create(value: string): EmailContactInfo | undefined {
    // same implementation as before

  static isValid(value: string): boolean {
    // same implementation as before

class PostalContactInfo {
  readonly type = 'PostalContactInfo';

  constructor(public readonly address: string) {}

Here, it might also make sense to create a custom tagged type for the EmailAndPostalInfo variant:

class EmailAndPostal {
  readonly type = 'EmailAndPostal';
    public readonly data: [EmailContactInfo, PostalContactInfo]
  ) {}

Then we can define the ContactInfo type like this:

type ContactInfo =
  | EmailContactInfo
  | PostalContactInfo
  | EmailAndPostal

When using ContactInfo, we can now use the type tag to figure out which one we’re working with:

class Contact {
  // the same as in the main example

  describe(): string {
    switch ( {
      case 'EmailContactInfo':
        return `contact ${} at ${}`;

      case 'PostalContactInfo':
        return `${} lives in ${}`;

      case 'EmailAndPostal':
        let [email, postal] =;
        return `${} lives in ${postal}; contact at ${email}`;


Two things to notice:

  • The assertNever type in the default branch comes from the TypeScript handbook; because it takes never as its argument, it makes sure that we have exhaustively covered every case represented by here. If we added another case to the ContactInfo union, this would cause a type error!

  • We only have access to in the 'EmailContactInfo' branch. Trying to access it in the case 'PostalContactInfo': branch will produce a type error:

    Property email’ does not exist on type PostalContactInfo’

The tradeoffs with this approach are different than they are with the instanceof approach. We have to carry around a bit more information, and while that’s not incredibly expensive, it could add up over time in a large app. It also requires that people working on the app actually understand these and what they’re for, and people are more likely to already know instanceof and how to use it. However, we get to use the switch approach, which can clarify things a lot over a chain of if/else if/else statements. In particular, I think it is much easier to see that we are just covering each case of the type that info might be in this code than in the instanceof code above!