Organizing Many Software Projects

How I lay out my file system and how I tweak Git for working on literally dozens of different repositories.

Assumed audience: Other software developers who work on more than one or two software projects at a time.

Yesterday, a colleague who is dipping his toes into more open source work asked how I approach the sheer organizational challenge of working on both LinkedIn and open source projects. That is a real challenge! At any given time, I will have dozens of repositories checked out on my personal or my work laptops. (At the time of writing, for example, I have 63 separate repos checked out on my personal laptop!) I also generally commit to open source projects with my personal email but must commit to internal projects with my work email.1

I long ago made this more tractable by making two tweaks to my working setup:

1. Folder organization

I put all my repositories in a folder in my home directory, which I name dev by convention.2 Within that directory, though, I do not have 63 separate projects all in a jumble. Instead, I organize them by the organization” they come from — in the case of GitHub or GitLab, literally the organization” or group” respectively; in the case of LinkedIn, LinkedIn itself. That means my layout on disk looks something like this right now (showing just a tiny subset):


This means that I still have a lot of top-level folders: on my personal machine, I have projects checked out from 29 different organizations/groups. However, that’s a lot fewer than 63! Also, it means related code tends to live together, which I also find helpful for navigating around. As a practical example: there are a handful of key Ember projects which live in the broader Ember.js org on GitHub, rather than part of the Ember monorepo. When I’m working on those things, they are literally right next to each other in the file system, and that’s quite useful.

Add in tools like the GitHub gh CLI tool tool, and cloning new repos by org becomes incredibly easy. To get my blog, for example, I just cd into ~/dev and then:

gh repo clone chriskrycho/  chriskrycho/

Whether or not ~/dev/chriskrycho exists yet, that will just work”, which is great.

2. Git config tweaks

Git’s config system allows you to specify other files to include: unconditionally with an [include] section, conditionally with an [includeIf] section. The [includeIf] section allows you to choose whether to use the included additional config based on the directory a Git repo lives in, the name of the branch a repo has checked out, or whether a given remote is matched.

I could use the remote config to make sure I always use my LinkedIn details for internal projects, but given the folder organization I chose above, I have an even easier solution: I just use the Git repo location flag instead. I just check whether the project is in ~/dev/linkedin:

[includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/linkedin"]
  path = .gitconfig-li

That file itself is super lightweight: it just contains a different [user] section, to override the bits which I use for all my public work:

    email =
    signingkey = <key ID>

With that in place on top of the folder organization, I don’t really have to think about managing my repos that much.


  1. This also goes, by necessary implication, for my PGP keys: they are tied to email address. ↩︎

  2. My job is not one where I am apt to confuse ~/dev with /dev, but if I hadn’t established this convention long before I even knew about /dev I would probably use ~/code instead, so that’s what I recommend if you’re setting this up for the first time! ↩︎