God Without Measure: Working Papers in Christian Theology – Volume I: God and the Works of God

The first of two volumes of collected essays and papers by John Webster. Very, very scholarly.

Assumed audience: Theologically-orthodox Christians, or folks interested in things that theologically-orthodox Christians think.

cover for God Without Measure: Working Papers in Christian Theology – Volume I: God and the Works of God
God Without Measure: Working Papers in Christian Theology – Volume I: God and the Works of God, John Webster (2016)
I loved this collection of essays. Unless you’re very much like me, you probably wouldn’t, but that’s okay.

Discovering, and slowly working through, John Webster’s oeuvre remains one of the great joys of the last year. God and the Works of God is a lovely collection of papers and essays1 on theology proper — first of all, meditations on the divine being: in God’s own eternal splendor and self-sufficient joy; and secondarily, on God’s overflowing and gracious works: of creation, redemption, and restoration.

I’ve read enough Webster at this point to know his recurring motifs, but I haven’t tired of them. They are very good motifs! At this point I’m enjoying seeing (and sometimes differing with!) his changing trajectory over time: in the beginning of his career, he was more Barthian; in the end of his career, much more a Reformed Scholastic, including a lot of ressourcement from the Fathers and Thomas Aquinas. Indeed, there are a few essays in here where he was clearly going through a phase of infatuation with Thomas — dropping references to the Summa Theologiae as if it were holy writ.

As academically-oriented and intellectually-dense as these essays are, this is not the kind of book I’d hand to… anyone I know outside the Mere O crowd except maybe one guy I know at church who’s a former PCA pastor. 😂 But the essays are beautiful and good, and they were good for my soul. I expect I will return to them regularly in the decades ahead.


  1. most of them previously having been published in other forums, but a few specific to this volume ↩︎